With Autumn is on its way, please make sure you have a named coat when you are at school!

Help and contacts

To contact staff at school, please use the following emails:
Reception class staff: year-r@broadmayne.dorset.sch.uk
Year 1 staff: year1@broadmayne.dorset.sch.uk
Year 2 staff: year2@broadmayne.dorset.sch.uk
Year 3 staff: year3@broadmayne.dorset.sch.uk
Year 4 staff: year4@broadmayne.dorset.sch.uk
Mrs Jordan-Gill: headteacher@broadmayne.dorset.sch.uk
Help and advice
The school recognises that this can be a difficult time for our families, and we want to support you as much as we possibly can.  As well as our regular 'check in' emails and/or phone class, please use the above emails to contact us if you have any queries or concerns, and we will do our best to help you.
In the mean time, you may find the following links useful:
Childline Can be accessed at any time - ring 08001111
MIND help and support for your emotional well being during the outbreak.  This has some really useful sections, such as planning to stay at home or indoors and taking care of your mental health and well being