With Autumn is on its way, please make sure you have a named coat when you are at school!


Science at Broadmayne


At Broadmayne First School Primary School, we want our children to be SCIENTISTS! Our intent is to give every child a broad and balanced science curriculum which enables them to confidently explore and discover what is around them, so that they have a deeper understanding of the world we live in, and can see the links between their science curriculum and our school values of kindness, safety and respect. 

We want our children to love science. We want them to have no limits to what their ambitions are and grow up wanting to be astronauts, forensic scientists, palaeontologists or microbiologists. We want our children to remember their science lessons in our school, to cherish these memories and embrace the scientific opportunities they are presented with! 

To achieve this, we work hard to plan exciting, practical hands-on experiences that encourage curiosity and questioning. Our aim is that these stimulating and challenging experiences help every child secure and extend their scientific knowledge and vocabulary, as well as promoting a love and thirst for learning. 

At Broadmayne First School, we have a coherently planned and sequenced curriculum which has been carefully designed and developed with the needs of every child at the centre of what we do, with a focus on outdoor learning wherever possible. Our curriculum will enable children to become enquiry based learners collaborating through researching, investigating and evaluating experiences. It will provide opportunities for the evaluation of evidence and explanation of scientific phenomena as well as opportunity to apply their mathematical knowledge and technology skills to their understanding of science, including collecting, presenting and analysing data. 

Children will be immersed in key scientific vocabulary, which will support the acquisition of scientific knowledge and understanding, and build on our focus of developing cultural capital for every child. It will encourage respect for living organisms and for the physical environment. 

We want to prepare our children for the opportunities, responsibilities and experiences of later life, and to fully ready them for their move to middle school at the end of Year 4.