With Autumn is on its way, please make sure you have a named coat when you are at school!

Welcome to Broadmayne First School

Be Kind, Be Safe, Be Respectful

At Broadmayne, positive relationships are at the heart of what we do.  Our mission is to provide a safe and inclusive learning environment which respects the different cultures and diversity represented by all our families, and the local community.

We believe that all children are unique and seek to support them to be the best they can be.  We want our children to leave Broadmayne ready for the challenges of the next stage of their education, recognising that they are the adults of tomorrow - well rounded, positive members of both their local, and the global community.



We would love you to come and visit our school and meet our wonderful children and staff; please contact Mrs Sally Foyle or Mrs Louise Wooldridge at the school office if you would like to make an appointment: tel 01305 852471 or e-mail office@broadmayne.dorset.sch.uk

The school is open from 8.45am - 3.15pm, which amounts to 32.5 hours per week.

 If you would like a paper based copy of any of the information on this website, please contact us at the school office.

Broadmayne First School is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children in our care, and expects all staff, volunteers, parents carers and anyone who has dealings with the school to share this commitment.