With Autumn is on its way, please make sure you have a named coat when you are at school!

FABS (Friends of Broadmayne School)



Chair of FABs -  Laura Partridge

Vice Chair - Claire Galloway

Secretary - Claire Galloway

Treasurers - Jen Mollett


What is FABs?
FABs is the FABulous name for the school’s PTFA. It stands for Friends at Broadmayne School.

What is a PTFA?

A Parent Teacher and Friends Association is a good way to bring together parents, teachers and others in order to raise money and to support the school. It provides an opportunity for everyone to work towards a common goal and is open to all parents, teachers and friends even if they only have a small amount of time available to get involved. It is also a good way for parents to become more involved with their children’s school and to get to know everybody. All parents are automatically members but it is your choice as to whether you join the committee.

FABs try to keep parents well informed of our forthcoming events and activities through flyers, posters, school newsletters and this website. We are supported and encouraged by the school itself, and we would encourage parents/carers to get involved at whatever level they feel able – whether it is taking on a specific role in the committee, attending meetings and helping to organise events (we try to create smaller working parties for each event) or simply getting involved with our events as and when they happen. We do a lot of communication by email and there is only one meeting per term (not everyone is always able to attend all of the meetings.)

We are a registered charity and as such we can take advantage of charity matched giving schemes. Many companies run schemes whereby they will equal monies raised by registered charities; usually this involves very little effort on behalf of the employee. We would be very grateful if you could check to see if your employer runs a similar scheme and please contact us if they do, so we can try to access these funds.

What have we achieved?
Each year we are able to give a substantial financial contribution to school to help fund a range of projects that directly affect our children. For example, theatre productions, resources for the classroom and money towards other resources in the school (including the wonderful swimming pool!)  Most recently we have paid for the classrooms to be refurbished and for areas of the school to be redecorated.

We support the school with any projects they are working on and also help to buy into resources that make Broadmayne such a special school - for instance, we fund the HeartSmart programme each year.

What events have we run?
Over the last year we have had lots of fun despite the best efforts of COVID! Events include school discos, a very successful German Christmas Market , bingo nights and a regular Friday tuck shop. We have also organised personalised school calendars, and we operate a team of volunteers that help keep the pool open over summer weekends and through the holidays.  We provide refreshments at different events, which is always good fun!
We are always looking for new fundraising ideas and welcome any contribution families can make, no matter how small - even an hour of your time once a term would be warmly welcomed!