With Autumn is on its way, please make sure you have a named coat when you are at school!

School Uniform

Our school uniform is as follows:
Dark grey or black skirt, shorts or trousers, with a white polo shirt, shirt or blouse.  
Navy blue cardigan or sweatshirt.
In the summer, dark blue checked dresses may be worn.
Dorset Printwear ( link here) provide sweatshirts, cardigans and polo shirts with the school logo on them, but there is no expectation that these are worn - plain ones are perfectly fine.
Children in Reception class are welcome to wear plain black or grey jogging bottoms.
Shoes should be black, easy to put on and take off, and suitable for playing outside in wet weather.  Black trainers may be worn if preferred.
PE kits should be black shorts and a plain t shirt - leggings, sweatshirts and jogging bottoms may be worn in cold weather.  Trainers or plimsolls should be easy for your child to put on - please be careful when buying lace ups that your child is able to tie them up independently!
A warm, waterproof coat will be needed in the winter, as we make as much use of our outside area as possilbe, whatever the weather.  
Sunhats are advised for warmer weather.
You can read further information about our school uniform on the policies page which can be found here: School Policies