With Autumn is on its way, please make sure you have a named coat when you are at school!

EYFS (Reception/Acorn class)

In the summer term prior to starting school, the EYFS* teaching team begin to introduce the children to the staff and the Reception class setting. This is done by staff visits to PreSchool (on site and external providers), and by organised Stay and Play sessions in the Reception class.
An information evening is also held for parents in the summer term prior to starting school to introduce the curriculum, routines and expectations in the setting.
Once your child has started school, a 'curriculum evening' or individual meetings with parents take place  to give a more detailed coverage of how your child will be guided through the EYFS. Around this time, there will also be an opportunity to meet with your child's Reception class teachers to talk about any information you wish to share about your child, and to help them settle as quickly and as happily as possible. 
A document is available below to give you 'school readiness' guidelines to help you prepare your child for starting school. We will also provide your child with an 'I am Starting School' pack in the summer term which will include small activities to do over the holidays to develop their 'readiness' skills.
We look forward to working with you and your child to ensure the very best start to their school life. We are privileged to work in this precious year group and look forward to sharing the wonderful, exciting, magical learning experiences ahead. 
Reception (Acorn) Class team
*EYFS (Early Years Foundation Stage)
The document linked below gives an excellent overview of the approaches and curriculum you will see in our Reception classroom: