Geography is a subject with many opportunities to provide a sense of ‘awe and wonder’. At Broadmayne First School we believe that geography is an important subject that stimulates and answers questions about the human and natural features of our world. We aim to provide the children with rich, varied opportunities to learn about the Earth’s physical and human processes, the diverse places that exist, their people, resources and environments. We also aim to teach children practical skills and concepts that will enable them to interpret and interact with the world around them.
At Broadmayne First School, we believe in the importance of bringing geography to life and in developing the cultural capital of the children. We believe children learn best when:
They are able to observe and handle objects and artefacts
They have access to high quality secondary sources such as books and photographs
Visitors come into school to talk about personal experiences of the past
They undertake fieldwork
They are shown, or use independently, resources to carry out research such as non-fiction books and the internet.
Throughout both Key Stages, children will develop their knowledge and skills in these areas:
Locational Knowledge
Place Knowledge
Human and Physical Geography
Geographical skills and fieldwork
We follow the Oddizzi scheme of work to ensure full curriculum coverage. However, to enrich our curriculum further, we may add in additional geographical content.
In addition to developing the children’s knowledge of the diverse world in which we live, we aim to develop the children spiritually, morally, socially and culturally so that they can understand their place in the world. British Values and the development of Cultural Capital are at the heart of our geography curriculum. By inspiring the children to think about their place in the world and question their values, rights and responsibilities to other people and the environment, they will understand how they can make a difference both now and in the future.