Here you will find everything you need to know about starting your adventure at Broadmayne School.
In Acorns class we have 4 adults who support us with our learning. Mrs Ashdown and Mrs Crumbleholme are the class teachers. Mrs Crumbleholme is in the classroom on a Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday afternoon and Mrs Ashdown is in the classroom Wednesday, Thursday and Friday. They are good friends and work closely together to plan the learning and activities for the week and work out how to support the little Acorns to become the best they can be!
Mrs Barker supports in the class all day Monday to Friday and Mrs Clarke supporrs in the class every morning.
Each morning we come in and there are a range of activities to choose from. In Autumn term these activities will be familiar and fun and will help support our funky fingers and fine motor skills. As we progress through the year, there will be lots of opportunities for having a go at writing and drawing along with cutting skills and other terrific tasks!
We greet each other in our 'Carpet Kingdom' whilst doing the register and then we start our adventure for the day!
Phonics is normally first thing - we work with our Supersonic Phonic Friends to help us become more familiar with the first 44 units of sound that make up our spoken and written lanaguge - the phonemes. Everything we do includes the elements of fun and joy and we are always looking out for what Sneaky Sid will be up to next!
After our 'Carpet Kindom' input we will move onto our independent and explorative learning, both inside and out. Sometimes in this time we work with a grown up in a small group to extend our learning, but it is always fun and play based.
Drawing Club is a firm favourite which involves a favouirte story and some crazy scenerios - how will the wolf get to the pigs in their house? Will he use a jetpack? Has he got a magical rainbow he can commando crawl along and then use his magic wand to make him fit through the crack in the window? Have the pigs got a mystical portal to escape through? Will they all go to live on cheese island and live happily ever after? The crazier the better in Drawing Club! Lots of talk and mark making and all the important joy!
At 10.20 we regroup on the carpet for our fruit, snack and milk, after which we are outside again for playtime with all of our friends from the rest of the school. We have Year 4 buddies that we love to play with and they are keen to see us too and help us out.
Our final 'Carpet Kingdom' of the morning is our maths learning where we are encouraged to 'say what we see' and use our powers of noticing to see the mathematical world around us. Singing, dancing, exploring and fun are all part of the session.
At 12pm we have lunch and playtime. At 1pm our afternoon learning begins.
During the afternoon, we cover other subjects such as PE, History, Georgraphy, RE, Music, Art, Science and PSHE. We do lots of our learning through half termly topics. We also go to the woods once a week and everything we do is fun and play based.
Our PE day in the hall is Thursday and we go to the woods on a Friday.
We change our reading books once a week on a Monday or Tuesday. We take home two 'reading books' and a couple of 'own choice books'.
During the day we have the opportunity to earn Dojo points for showing our three school values. Dojo points can be awarded by our class adults or other adults around the school.
At the beginning of the week Mrs Jordan-Gill will share a learning attribute with us which is linked to our school values. Throughout the week we discuss the learning attribute in class and work hard to demonstrate this. When we are spotted demonstrating the chosen atttribute, we put a star into our class star jar. When it is full we receieve a class reward.
We have a calm and inviting classroom and have an inclusive approach to teachng and learning. In Acorn class we recognise that every child is unique and we celebrate each other and our successes often.