With Autumn is on its way, please make sure you have a named coat when you are at school!

Sports Relief

The whole school took part in a Sports Relief run a mile. Children and adults came to school in sports gear and donated £1. Each class took turns to run a mile (13 laps) around the playground. Everyone made sure they warmed their muscles up first, then cooled down after their mile. Some children even ran more than 13 laps! Some ran 63 laps! Phew!
Year 4 children carried out an experiment with Year R children. Year R children read a story for 10 minutes to Year 4 children. They then ran a mile. Then continued to read after their exercise to see if this improved their concentration and reading. Mrs Bostock carried out a survey at the end of the experiment and concluded that yes, it did improve their concentration and confidence.
Well done everyone for thoroughly enjoying this fun and energetic day.
You are all super, energetic stars!